February 14th, commonly known as ~ Valentine’s Day, to me is just a reminder that love should be celebrated everyday❣️ We can all agree that 2020 was a very tumultuous year and if ever there was a time to come together with love, it's now. So let's make a commitment to make 2021~The Love Year.
Equality & diversity shouldn’t be just empty slogans. Every little action we take in our lives toward creating a better, more equal and more loving future, matters. For me, as a non-binary gay designer it is an opportunity to infuse my designs with those values in the Pride collection (more designs & product options coming soon).
And since love comes in many colors and expressed in many ways, you can find heart designs across several collections such as: Iceland, BLM, Rainbows and of course patterns with XOXO in any scale/color. You can also create your own expression of love with the DYO product line. Choose any of my graphic elements to create your own design.
Either way you go about sharing love is a step in the right direction.
Happy valentine's day, today and everyday to you & yours,